Unitarian Universalism began as the melding of two separate religious movements, Unitarianism and Universalism, perhaps two of the most radical and liberal movements within Protestant Christianity.

The Unitarians

Unitarianism began in Transylvania around 1553. Early Eastern European Unitarians believed Jesus was not divine, but an ethical teacher, and human just like us. Their example would later inspire a Unitarian movement in England as well as in America. The name “Unitarian” referred to affirming God’s Unity rather than the doctrine of the Trinity. They were  also pioneers in cooperating with Jews and Muslims at a time of rampant anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

American Unitarians broke away from the Puritan Congregationalists in 1825 to protest such doctrines as original sin. They held that we are each born with the potential for both good and evil, and our inner goodness is stronger. Unitarians embraced science and modern philosophy and were among the first denominations to fully accept theories of evolution. These ideals would inspire many Unitarians to be radical activists for social reform, so that all people could be free and grow to their fullest potential. Unitarians were prominent in the abolitionist movement to overthrow slavery, and in the earliest movement for women’s rights.

We honor our Unitarian heritage by continuing to champion freedom of belief and the use of reason in our spiritual lives, and by affirming the glorious diversity of humanity.

Some prominent Unitarians were: Thomas Jefferson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Charles Dickens, and more.

The Universalists

Universalism arose in early America from varied Protestant roots. The Universalists’ core doctrine of “universal salvation” is the idea that God’s unconditional love saves every human soul and no one is damned forever – a belief also held by some early followers of Christianity. Universalism became a formal denomination in 1791 and Universalists were evangelical in spreading this message of unconditional love across the country. In time, many Universalists would conclude that if all are equal in heaven, then all should be equal on earth, which led them to the fight for social justice. Universalists were the first denomination in America to formally condemn slavery and to ordain women.

We honor our Universalist heritage by working to harness the power of unconditional love to transform and heal hearts, restore and deepen relationships, and re-configure society into the Beloved Community.

This heritage of both Unitarian and Universalist radicals and reformers continues to inspire us as we have expanded our faith to include seekers of all kinds.

For more about the history of Unitarian Universalism visit Unitarian Universalist Origins, Our Historic Faith.

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