Sunday Service is held at our UU Falmouth Meeting House. The Service will also be offered on Zoom at the regular login. Coffee Hour takes place after the Service and on Zoom. Check this month’s Sandscript, listed on the Communications page, for specifics.

To Join via Zoom email for info

Monday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday, 9 – 2 PM.

Stay up-to-date with this week’s Sandwich Road Menu and this month’s Sandscript by clicking on Communications. Our Sunday Services are both in-person and via Zoom.

Science and Philosophy

In our day, philosophy takes a back seat to science, but at the turn of the 19th century, philosophy and science were in the midst of a great debate. This Sunday, we will explore the philosophical underpinnings of science and the gift both bring to our understanding of the nature of life, offering insights that […]

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