Sunday Service is held at our UU Falmouth Meeting House. The Service will also be offered on Zoom at the regular login. Coffee Hour takes place after the Service and on Zoom. Check this month’s Sandscript, listed on the Communications page, for specifics.

To Join via Zoom email for info

Monday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday, 9 – 2 PM.

Our worship services are the spiritual heart of our community where we come to be renewed, inspired, comforted, and challenged. There will be traditional worship elements as well as the unexpected, affirmations of who we are and opportunities to stretch our comfort zones.

Please engage in the service in any way that is authentic for you. Sing loudly with the hymns and move your body to the music, or simply sit and listen. Join in the prayers, or use these moments to reflect or meditate.

Service lasts about an hour and will often feature:

  • Music and hymns accompanied by our choir and pianist, sometimes with additional instrumentalists. Music may be clearly “religious”, with language evoking the Holy, or more “secular”, celebrating human potential without direct references to God.
  • Readings of poetry, philosophy, or other writings from sacred as well as secular texts. We seek to be inspired by truth from wherever it may be found.
  • Sharing of the individual joys and concerns that each of us carry.
  • An offering to remind us how generosity is essential for a thriving community. Once a month we share part of our offering with local charities and social justice organizations.
  • A prayer where the minister lifts up the longings of the community.
  • A sermon, by the minister or a guest speaker. Sermons might explore wisdom from world religions or our UU heritage. Sometimes the sermon aims to “comfort the afflicted,” but other times it may “afflict the comfortable.”

Worship is much bigger than devotion or adoration to a particular idea of God. It is where we can reconnect with our deepest selves, with each other, and with the complex truths of life. Worship is, in the words of Unitarian minister Jacob Trapp, “the mystery within us reaching out to the mystery beyond.”

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