All this week we’re observing Chalica: an emerging holiday where, each day, we’re invited to live more deeply into our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles through ordinary, simple acts. These principles articulate the core ethics of our liberal religious tradition. What happens when we put our values in action?



Day Five: We covenant to affirm and promote..
               The right of conscience and use of the democratic process

Youth version: All people need a voice


Democracy is a sacred value for Unitarian Universalists. Our congregational leaders are elected, ministers are called by a vote, and even the ordination of a minister can only happen by vote! At our annual General Assembly, it is by voting that we decide our official denominational position on important issues. As a tradition dedicated to the inherent worth and dignity of the individual (Principle 1), aspiring for justice, equity, and compassion in our relationships (Principle 2), and affirming that all things are bound together in a great Interdependent Web (Principle 7), how could we not affirm and promote the democratic process?

These days, however, democracy is under attack. Billionaires and large corporations use their vast wealth to have a larger voice in the public sphere, while white supremacy and xenophobic conspiracy theories impel draconian voter suppression laws, which have been proven to suppress the votes of people of color and the poor. These are not merely political issues; for us these are moral issues. That’s why at this past year’s General Assembly we affirmed a Statement of Conscience on what we must all do to defend democracy. That’s why our Fellowship is a formal sponsor of the Move to Amend project: calling for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision. What will you do for democracy today?


Recommended activities:
Read the UUA Statement of Conscience ( “Our Democracy Uncorrupted” )
Use a vote to make a family decision
Register to vote
Write or call your representatives about an issue you care about

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