The Courage to be Imperfect

Listen Here We place a high value on perfection in our society, in continually working to improve ourselves and our world. We do this so thoroughly, that it is often an automatic impulse. How can we empower ourselves to embrace imperfection?

All Along the Way

Life lessons tend to come to us not all at once, but little by little,day by day. Join Rev. Joe and the Religious Services Committee as we explore some of these lessons and how we use them as we try to become the best versions of ourselves.

Water Communion

Listen Here Across our world, Unitarian Universalists celebrate the beginning of a new congregational year by taking part in our Water Communion. It’s a ritual that highlights our returning to each other after a time when many have traveled over the summer months. Bring some water from your tap or your travels to mingle together […]

Why Belong

Listen Here Rev. Joe asks the question, “Why Belong?” What makes Unitarian Universalism, as some joke, the most Protestant of Protestants? How can a people of such varying theologies call themselves a community? Join us this Sunday for some potential answers.

A Clenched Fist

Hands are complicated things, though we often take them for granted. What can hands symbolize and actualize? Join us this Sunday for a service that reconsiders the ordinary.

A Clenched Fist

Hands are complicated things, though we often take them for granted. What can hands symbolize and actualize? Join us this Sunday for a service that reconsiders the ordinary.

Amazing Grace

Listen Here No, not the song, though it’s a nice tune. Rev. Joe and the Religious Service Committee share stories of very human grace. Each story is rooted in our human interactions about how we, as people, can bring grace into the world and our relationship.


Listen Here It’s no secret that many Unitarian Universalists are fans of the Star Trek offerings. Join us this Sunday as Rev. Joe explores just why so many of us love Star Trek. For the Non-Trekkers, fear not. You should join us too. Rev. Joe is married to someone who doesn’t care a whit about […]


Listen Here Juneteenth is a very important day of celebration in the history of African Americans. Come join us as we explore its history and implications.

What’s Pride Got To Do With It?

Listen Here Join Rev. Joe this Sunday as he shares reflections and some of the history of Gay Pride, as well as asks theological questions about pride.

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