The Tordai Ediktum and Why It Matters (Sermon Recording)

Listen Here Join us to learn how a Hungarian law from 1568 has helped to give rise to and shape liberal religion in our own time. We follow in the footsteps and paths trod by those who came before, and we have a responsibility to know their stories so that we can pass them along […]

Fannie Barrier Williams (Sermon Recording)

Listen Here We begin the observation of Black History Month with a woman from our history. Fannie Barrier Williams (February 12, 1855 – March 4,1944) was an educator and activist who influenced the lives of Black people in Chicago, DC, and Boston. Join us this Sunday to learn about this bold Unitarian.

Rev. Joseph Tuckerman’s Lessons (Sermon Recording)

Listen Here Rev. Joseph Tuckerman was a man on a mission in 19th century Boston. What can we learn today from a man who graduated from seminary in 1798 on the cutting edge of this new thing called Unitarianism?

Just What IS Our Mission Anyway? (Sermon Recording)

Listen Here As part of his time with the congregation, Rev. Joe will be asking us to help define our Mission, which will help us to find a new,settled minister that sees us as who we are and who we hope to be. This Sunday Rev. Joe will explore what a mission in a congregation […]

48 Years Later (Sermon Recording)

Listen Here 48 years ago, the U. S. Supreme Court heard and decided a case called Roe v. Wade. Just this past summer, Rev. Joe stood with people in Mashpee and Falmouth to protest this current Supreme Court’s actions as the religious and political conservatives continue to attack medically safe abortions. This Sunday, Rev. Joe […]

An Exploration of Joy

Listen Here Join us this Sunday for a guided meditation, some wonderful songs, and some silly stories as we look at Joy. The service will be led by Rev. Joe with musical help, as ever, by Fred Johnson,

I Bought Something Complicated (Sermon Recording)

Listen Here Our understanding of history is, hopefully, ever broadening and ever deepening. Historical movements in Race, Gender, BGLTQ+ communities (and more) have complexified our self understanding. Recently, Rev. Joe purchased something that has him perplexed and feeling a little unsteady. Join us for worship to find out why.

The Complicated Story of Thanksgiving (Sermon Recording)

Listen Here This year marks the 400th Anniversary of the “First Thanksgiving” at the Plymouth Plantation. Many facts and facets of the event remain a mystery and the story is ours to wrestle with this week at the Meeting House.

Herstory and Sheroes (Sermon Recording)

Listen Here One of the great stories in the history of our Unitarian Universalist religion is the often strong role that women have played in the direction of our faith. There have also been periods where women’s voices were not supported and even suppressed. Join us this Sunday as we share the stories of several […]

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