Skipping Stones Almost Landed

February is Black History Month and this Sunday Rev. Joe will take us through some of the history of our Universalist and Unitarian for-bearers and how they engaged in the questions of race. It’s not all good news.

A 50 Year Freedom, Lost

On the 50th Anniversary of the historic Supreme Court decision that guaranteed abortions in the United States, Rev. Joe will share the history, frustrations and hopes for the story of where we are now.

The Theological Promise of America

Listen Here As a nation of coexisting cultures, what do we promise each other? How have we come up short of what was hoped for as our forebears started the adventure that would eventually become us? How have we met the dreams and perhaps even exceeded them?

Semi-Secular Christmas Eve

Listen Here You’re invited to an afternoon service of Christmas carols and Christmas stories. Come along for this festive, tender, and joyous service that takes place at 4 PM.

Path of Wonder

Listen Here Join us this Sunday as we explore the meaning(s) of life through the lyrics of Stevie Wonder, artist extraordinaire. What can we learn about ourselves and the world from an artistic career that started in 1963 and continues to today?

The Serious Business of Fun

Listen Here The Serious Business of Fun, The Rev. Joe Cherry. It’s been a tradition in the Meeting House to collect warm clothing during December to be shared with others who have less than we might. This Sunday, we’re going to pair this tradition with another: silly sweaters and sweatshirts. You’re encouraged to wear an […]

Holy Curiosity

Listen Here Humans are meaning–making animals and as such we are often engaged with the question of “Why?” Anyone who has had the joy of spending time with a 3 year–old, or has been a 3 year–old, knows this. How do we keep this open mind throughout our whole lives? Join us this Sunday to […]

A Community Memorial

Listen Here It has been hard to grapple with the losses we have felt over the past 2 1/2 years as a result of the global pandemic. Although we are not through this pandemic yet, we are adjusting to its presence. It is time for us to pause for a moment and reflect on our […]

The Choice is Yours

Listen Here We do not live in a stagnant world, our world is ever shifting and changing. From the ancients to our contemporaries, great thinkers have tried to teach us that change is the only constant in the universe. Change is a universal truth, our response to change is an individual choice. Rev. Joe and […]

The Courage to Heal

Listen Here Scars are funny things. They tell the story of a life lived, but sometimes we can mistake them for shields. We can use them as a way to keep others at bay. Explore the idea of putting down these shields and working toward healing.

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