All this week we’re observing Chalica: an emerging holiday where, each day, we’re invited to live more deeply into our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles through ordinary, simple acts. These principles articulate the core ethics of our liberal religious tradition. What happens when we put our values in action? 

Day 4 —

We covenant to affirm and promote…

A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

Youth Version: Search for what is true


“What do Unitarian Universalists believe?”
“Whatever you want!”

That’s a common misconception about us. Just because we have no formal creed (we have no list of doctrines you have to believe or pretend to believe to be part of our community) that doesn’t mean anything goes. Our journey for personal freedom must be responsible.

If you believe in God, but your God keeps you bound in fear, or causes you to be cruel to others, we are going to challenge your God. The same if you don’t believe in God and your unbelief has the same result. We are less concerned with what you do or don’t believe about God, and more concerned with how your beliefs are causing you to act. Are your beliefs, is your search for truth, causing you to be live with greater or less ethical responsibility?

Our Fourth Principle is a call for the spiritual journey to be free. In our Fellowship you’ll find Agnostics, Atheists, Buddhists, Christians, Humanists, religious and secular Jews, Pagans, those whose primary faith identity is Unitarian Universalist, those who are a combination of the above, and more. We want you to feel free to explore. Our free search, though, isn’t just so we can feel self-satisfied. We don’t encourage ego-worship or narcissism masquerading as faith. Ultimately, we believe all true spirituality leads to love. What’s more, we don’t just journey for what we want; we have a free search so that we might find what is true. What is true, what is in accord with love, that is what makes life worth living. The true spiritual journey is both free andresponsible.


Suggested Activities:

Read something about a different religion or spiritual practice than your own
Learn about other winter holidays than what you may practice
Write a poem or make some art that expresses your personal faith or beliefs
Meditate or pray (either in a way that’s familiar, or in a way that’s new)

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