Carla Koehl, the Cape Cod Foster Closet Outreach Coordinator, will be introducing the organization and the work it does. In addition, the Caring Committee will recognize this year’s “Volunteer of the Year” award winner.  We are also collecting disposable diapers of all sizes, so please bring them to the Meeting House on or before May 12.

Share the Plate – As part of the recognition for all families, the STP on May 12 will be collected for Cape Cod Foster Closet. Cape Cod Foster Closet is a program of Nurturing Foster Families, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) organization, supporting foster and relative caregiver families by providing material goods for children in care. The Cape Cod Foster Closet assists foster, pre-adoptive, and kinship families by providing necessary items such as clothing, shoes, toys, books, baby equipment (including formula and car seats) and furniture for all ages. Please give generously.

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