Science and Philosophy

In our day, philosophy takes a back seat to science, but at the turn of the 19th century, philosophy and science were in the midst of a great debate. This Sunday, we will explore the philosophical underpinnings of science and the gift both bring to our understanding of the nature of life, offering insights that […]

Climate Change and the Defense of Democracy: What Can Congregations Do?

Rev. Bob and Lyn will report on the two big challenges that UU congregations face in the summer of 2024. What moral behavior can be useful in the present moment? They will present to us via Zoom as our community gathers together in the Meeting House sanctuary. Bob and Lyn left the UU Falmouth congregation […]

HOPE in the Summer Sun

Hymn Sing. Our UU Falmouth Music Director, Fred Johnson, will lead us through a delightful service of music and readings that bring us hope and faith; service associate Rosa Whiting. Share the Plate on July 14 will go to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s Emergency Response Fund. UUSC’s Emergency Response Fund provides vital assistance to […]

Freedom and Justice for All

Steve and Joanne Treistman will be reading the text of the July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence and the words of Frederick Douglass’ speech on July 5, 1852 during the Fugitive Slave Laws days. There will be discussion and readings on the theme of the second UU Principle of Justice, equity and compassion in human […]

The Flip Side

This sermon was presented by the Minsterial Candidate. Listen Here

General Assembly UUA Service

No service at the Meeting House this morning. Zoom in from the comfort of your home this afternoon at 1PM for this inspirational message (1.5 hours). From the UUA: “Embrace the electrifying spirit of the year’s largest UU gathering, where we come together in unity for an awe-inspiring Sunday worship celebration like no other! It’s a vibrant, […]

Protecting LGBTQ Rights

Today’s service will be hosted by the Welcoming Congregation Committee with guest presenter, Amanda Johnston, Director of Communications and Public Education for GLAD (GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders). Rosa Whiting will be service associate. Amanda will share an overview of current legal issues impacting LGBTQ+ people and families, as well as GLAD’s work to defend and expand […]

The Humanism is You

Charlotte Harris will lead this service with service associate, Kathi Sommers.  In a survey not long ago, 77% of our congregation checked humanism as one description of their religious orientation. Charlotte Harris, Kathi Sommers, Carol McKeon, Jack Mulkeen, Lew Stern and Steve Treistman will say what humanism means to them and how it shapes their […]

Music and Light

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth and its musicians invite the public to attend the UUFF annual Music Sunday celebration, “Music of the Stars.” The service will be held on Sunday, June 2, 2024, starting at 10:00 AM at the meetinghouse, 840 Sandwich Road in East Falmouth. The UUFF choir, directed by Frederick Johnson, will […]

Won’t You Celebrate with Me

The poem “Won’t You Celebrate With Me” by Lucille Clifton invites a reader to celebrate the speaker’s life and survival. Marney will share her insights about this testimony to plurality and its possibilities. Marney is a poet and chaplain. Her writing has appeared in Kenyon Review, West Branch, Iterant, Salt Hill Journal, The Fourth River, […]

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